An applicant holding LL.M. Degree from a recognized university with minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade in a point scale (wherever grading system is followed) along with UGC NET qualified in Category I/II/III is eligible to apply.
For further details regarding Ph.D. Regulations and Guidelines, please see the website of the ILI (
The admission and selection of scholars will be based on the NET score obtained by the candidates, the candidate’s eligibility will be in following three categories:
Category I (JRF-qualified candidates):
Admission will be based on an interview as per UGC (Minimum Standard & Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2022.
Category II (Non JRF eligible for Ph.D. Admission)
- 70% weightage to NET score
- 30% weightage to interview for final selection
Category III (Non-JRF candidates eligible for Ph.D. Admission)
- 70% weightage to NET score
- 30% weightage to interview for final selection
Validity of NET Score:
NET score for Category II & III candidates will be valid for one year for Ph.D. admissions
If the result of the qualifying examination is not declared till the date of admission, his/her admission shall be provisional. Such candidate shall give an undertaking that he/she is taking provisional admission at his/her risk and that he/she shall submit the result of qualifying examination on or before 15.09.2025. In case the candidate fails to submit his/her final result of qualifying examination on or before 15.09.2025 for any reason whatsoever, his/her admission shall be treated as cancelled.